Haier Smart Home
Haier Smart Home is formerly known as Qingdao Haier Co., Ltd. until the change to its current name in 2019. The company's main business operations are the R&D, production, and distribution of white goods, which include refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, televisions, and water heaters. Haier Smart Home is one of the leading companies in China's and the world's household appliance markets. The company's products are sold to more than 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Americas, and Africa.
Business Info
IndustryConsumer Electronics
Place of ResidenceChina (incl. Hong Kong)
Market Cap - End of 2022 ($M) 32,471
2021 Revenue ($M)35,284
Rank of 2021 Revenue26
2021 Profit ($M)2,026
Rank of 2021 Profit28